Sunday, January 16, 2011

Retroalimentación "Introduce yourself"

Hola chicos!

Gracias por participar en la primera actividad, me da mucho gusto que todos hayan participado. Leí todos y cada uno de sus comentarios y la retroalimentación es general. Pude observar que hay errores en lo siguiente:

  1. El uso de mayúsculas: no las están usando correctamente, recuerden que hay sustantivos o pronombres que llevan mayúscula al inicio.
  2. El uso de signos de puntuación: los omiten o no los usan correctamente.
  3. El uso de la "s" en terceras personas.
  4. Ortografía y algunos errores gramaticales
Espero que para la siguiente actividad tomen esto en cuenta. Les recuerdo que tienen hasta el martes para subir sus aportaciones de la siguiente actividad.


Friday, January 7, 2011

This country is great!

This country is great!

Work with 3 other classmates and choose a country. Write an article of the country considering the following:
  • location
  • gastronomy
  • touristic places
  • famous people
Remember to use the appropriate tenses and relative pronouns.

Note: make comments about the articles of your other classmates.

Funny experiences

Funny Experiences

Share an experience from your childhood. Talk about a party you went with your family. Give details such as what did you eat, who was there, what did you give as a present, etc. Write a short paragraph.

Note: Remember to answer to one or two of your mates.

Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself

Write a short paragraph introducing yourself. Talk about:
  • your hobbies
  • likes and dislikes
  • your daily routine
  • some facts about your family
 Note: remeber to answer to one or two of your mates.